Thursday, August 20, 2015

things that remind me of my childhood

Do you have those random things that remind you of your childhood? 

For me they are Red Hot Candies and Orange Jello

"Why Red Hots?" you may ask. 


TTU University Student Housing hands out these super cute "Red Hot Raider" bags of Red Hots and today I opened a bag that I received at a training. As I began to eat them, I couldn't help but think about elementary school. Every year, around Christmas time, we would always make milk carton and graham cracker ginger bread houses that we would then decorate with various candies and treats. Every year, I would always take a few horse animal crackers and stick a red hot candy on their noses and proceed to place them on the roof of the house. I thought I was so clever because I utilized the horses and red hots to make little Rudolphs for my milk carton gingerbread house. Of course, I would ever eat them because the were "too spicy". 
 Isn't this so clever? 8 year old Kelsey would think so

Now for the Orange Jello Story... 

When I was about 2 or 3 (my mom can confirm my age), it was splash day at the day care I went to. Little did I know that this day would make such an impact in my life. Our daycare had a kiddie pool FULL of  orange jello, sugar free obviously. For some reason, I thought this was the best thing ever! Imagine the feeling of playing with a massive amount of jello (I have a weird thing for different textures). Ever since that day when I make, see, or eat Orange Jello, I always think of that one splash day almost 22 years ago.

Here is a picture of that exact day. I can't tell if that is the Orange Jello pool behind me or not, I sure hope it is because that would make this picture so much better!
 Look at that sass!

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