About Us

My name is Kelsey Jackson. I was born in raised in Katy, TX. I have wonderful and amazing parents and an equally wonderful sister.

My Beautiful Family

While my Facebook friends were off getting married or having babies, I was pursuing two degrees. First, I received my Bachelors of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies with focuses in Sociology, Business Administration, & Public Affairs (what a mouthful. Imagine explaining that to everyone who asked only to receive the response 'oh...that's nice') from the wonderful school that is the University of Texas at Arlington (go mavs!). From there, I moved about 45 minutes north to the AMAZING town of Denton, TX where I received my Masters of Education in Higher Education from the University of North Texas. 

Such Success. Much Achievement.

So, basically I've 'grown up' with people not really understanding what my degrees meant. But, in a nut shell, I want to foster environments where college students can grow into leaders. I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with all 500+ Student Organizations at Texas Tech University and I am loving every minute of it!

This blog is really meant to be an online journal where I will share my sometimes exciting, but sometimes mundane single life with my two amazing cats, Chachi & Thomas.  

Hello, My name is Chachi. As you can see why...

Woah...bet you can't even tell the difference! 

I was kind of a nomad, couch surfer before I met my mom (Kelsey). After she fed me some amazing treats and kept finding boxes for me to sit in, I decided to stick around. I am 11 years old and love to nap in the sun and play with my little brother Thomas (even though he is a pain and annoys me all the time).


How you doin? I'm Thomas.
i live my life with no ragrets

I was born underneath Kerr Hall and went to live with my human mom and brother when I was about 6 weeks old. I  am a aspiring model and part-time thug. I love to lick plastic and do sprints around my house. I also love to tear up toilet paper, as you can see in the picture above. My mom is pretty cool, I guess. I love it when she gives me treats and lets me drink from the faucet. 

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