Monday, August 24, 2015


Ever since I was little, I have loved key chains. I'm sure in the massive memory box of childhood wonders that resides in the top of a closet at my parents house is my magnificent key chain collection. From a stuffed white tiger key chain we nick-named "friend" to a pooping pig key chain I got from the pig races at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. This love has continued on to adulthood. (As you can see below)

And while it may seem like a random assortment, there is some sense/meaning to this mess beautiful array that is my current set of keys.

The key fob - I have had this on my key ring since my junior/senior year of high school. It is special to me because it was made by 3 kids I used to babysit. Two sisters and a brother. They each had a role in making the key fob. The oldest would sew the fabric onto the strap, the second would clamp the metal clasp on, and the youngest would add rhinestones. The rhinestones have since fallen off, and the fabric is kinda dirty, but having that key fob on my keys has been super convenient when I am looking for my keys in a cluttered purse. 

Proceeding clockwise, are my work keys on a Lumpy Space Princess (LSP) key chain. My ex-boyfriend and I won matching Adventure Time key chains from Dave & Busters last summer. I still kept mine because LSP is a sassy confident princess, which is what I should feel at work, but more on the nicer end of sassy. 

NEXT - car keys...not very exciting.

Following are the random store reward things I happen to have on my keys. I feel like as a key-set owner, you are obligated to at least have one of these. Mine include: Petco, CVS, and Wendy's...kinda random. Funny thing is, I rarely use them because half the time I just tell them my cell phone number.

& Finally, my apartment and mailbox key on a stag key chain I purchased at Tuesday Morning during a random adventure to that marvelous store. The sense behind this is that I associate a stag with being proudly displayed above a cozy, warm fire. That to me is home hence why the stage resides with the house key. 

As you can tell, I tend to associate things together even when its something as silly as a set of keys. I know some people could care-less about this but I like it and like my world to have some sense of connectedness. 

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