Wednesday, August 19, 2015

i made dis...

One aspect of my job is creating various marketing materials. In addition to what I am tasked with, I also like to create random things from time to time. These are some of the projects of have done this week.

I found all of the icons for this project at  and the fonts at

This Graduate Student Resource Guide was tasked to me by our Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs and she LOVED it! This will be part of the marketing that will be in the Graduate Student Center at Texas Tech. I hope that graduate students find it fun and helpful will they are here furthering their education!

Another project I worked on this week was this super cute Awana Sparks bookmark for our clubbers to color on the first night of club and then use throughout the year to keep their place in their handbooks. 

hope y'all have a great rest of the week! 'ppreciate ya!

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