Wednesday, August 19, 2015

pinterest ideas that are great in theory

As I was casually pinning yesterday, I came across a pin that I immediately pinned because it was Disney Princesses and cake poops pops. Two wonderfully magical things. But after thinking about it a little bit, I began to imagine how tedious it would be to cut out each individual princess for it only to be thrown away post-consumption of the cake pop. In reality, I would most likely only cut out one Belle, because she's my favorite, and call it a day. Also, I have never had any luck with cake pops, so why would I begin to attempt this. And, don't even get me started on having to create all those different chocolate coating/fondant colors for the dresses. Oh, and you pay for the download of all the princesses, its only 75 cents, I'll let you decide if its worth it. I appreciate the concept because it is super cute and creative, so, I guess I'll keep it pinned in the off chance I actually want to attempt this one day. Would you attempt this pin?
The original pin links to this Etsy shop  

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