Monday, August 24, 2015

a little inspiration

I love this quote so I decided to quickly doodle it before going to bed tonight. 


Ever since I was little, I have loved key chains. I'm sure in the massive memory box of childhood wonders that resides in the top of a closet at my parents house is my magnificent key chain collection. From a stuffed white tiger key chain we nick-named "friend" to a pooping pig key chain I got from the pig races at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. This love has continued on to adulthood. (As you can see below)

And while it may seem like a random assortment, there is some sense/meaning to this mess beautiful array that is my current set of keys.

The key fob - I have had this on my key ring since my junior/senior year of high school. It is special to me because it was made by 3 kids I used to babysit. Two sisters and a brother. They each had a role in making the key fob. The oldest would sew the fabric onto the strap, the second would clamp the metal clasp on, and the youngest would add rhinestones. The rhinestones have since fallen off, and the fabric is kinda dirty, but having that key fob on my keys has been super convenient when I am looking for my keys in a cluttered purse. 

Proceeding clockwise, are my work keys on a Lumpy Space Princess (LSP) key chain. My ex-boyfriend and I won matching Adventure Time key chains from Dave & Busters last summer. I still kept mine because LSP is a sassy confident princess, which is what I should feel at work, but more on the nicer end of sassy. 

NEXT - car keys...not very exciting.

Following are the random store reward things I happen to have on my keys. I feel like as a key-set owner, you are obligated to at least have one of these. Mine include: Petco, CVS, and Wendy's...kinda random. Funny thing is, I rarely use them because half the time I just tell them my cell phone number.

& Finally, my apartment and mailbox key on a stag key chain I purchased at Tuesday Morning during a random adventure to that marvelous store. The sense behind this is that I associate a stag with being proudly displayed above a cozy, warm fire. That to me is home hence why the stage resides with the house key. 

As you can tell, I tend to associate things together even when its something as silly as a set of keys. I know some people could care-less about this but I like it and like my world to have some sense of connectedness. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

things that remind me of my childhood

Do you have those random things that remind you of your childhood? 

For me they are Red Hot Candies and Orange Jello

"Why Red Hots?" you may ask. 


TTU University Student Housing hands out these super cute "Red Hot Raider" bags of Red Hots and today I opened a bag that I received at a training. As I began to eat them, I couldn't help but think about elementary school. Every year, around Christmas time, we would always make milk carton and graham cracker ginger bread houses that we would then decorate with various candies and treats. Every year, I would always take a few horse animal crackers and stick a red hot candy on their noses and proceed to place them on the roof of the house. I thought I was so clever because I utilized the horses and red hots to make little Rudolphs for my milk carton gingerbread house. Of course, I would ever eat them because the were "too spicy". 
 Isn't this so clever? 8 year old Kelsey would think so

Now for the Orange Jello Story... 

When I was about 2 or 3 (my mom can confirm my age), it was splash day at the day care I went to. Little did I know that this day would make such an impact in my life. Our daycare had a kiddie pool FULL of  orange jello, sugar free obviously. For some reason, I thought this was the best thing ever! Imagine the feeling of playing with a massive amount of jello (I have a weird thing for different textures). Ever since that day when I make, see, or eat Orange Jello, I always think of that one splash day almost 22 years ago.

Here is a picture of that exact day. I can't tell if that is the Orange Jello pool behind me or not, I sure hope it is because that would make this picture so much better!
 Look at that sass!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

pinterest ideas that are great in theory

As I was casually pinning yesterday, I came across a pin that I immediately pinned because it was Disney Princesses and cake poops pops. Two wonderfully magical things. But after thinking about it a little bit, I began to imagine how tedious it would be to cut out each individual princess for it only to be thrown away post-consumption of the cake pop. In reality, I would most likely only cut out one Belle, because she's my favorite, and call it a day. Also, I have never had any luck with cake pops, so why would I begin to attempt this. And, don't even get me started on having to create all those different chocolate coating/fondant colors for the dresses. Oh, and you pay for the download of all the princesses, its only 75 cents, I'll let you decide if its worth it. I appreciate the concept because it is super cute and creative, so, I guess I'll keep it pinned in the off chance I actually want to attempt this one day. Would you attempt this pin?
The original pin links to this Etsy shop  

my (not so secret) obsession with YouTube

My name is Kelsey and I am addicted to YouTube. 

Not really, but there is a deep rooted obsession...

About 2 years ago, I discovered the world of YouTube and original content creators. I am now currently subscribed to 246 different creators. I don't watch all of their videos they post, but there are a few creators that I absolutely love: Sprinkle of Glitter, Marie Bits & Clips, Hannah Hart, and Mamrie Hart (just to name a few). My obsession is almost just as bad as some of the 12-14 year old girl's who go crazy for these people. What I love the most about YouTube is that individuals are able to take their talent and interests and make a living creating, producing, and uploading videos on YouTube with just a camera, a tripod, and their bedroom. While some have more of a crew behind them or a studio that helps promote and support them, the realness of seeing into the lives of all sorts of people still thrills me and feeds that weird 'thing' inside me that loves learning about people and how they live (daily vloggers are great at fulfilling this thing). 

I don't know what it is about YouTube, but it's got me hooked and I'm ok with that. 

This video is one Sprinkle of Glitter just uploaded and I thoroughly enjoyed watching her show off her new stationary purchases. 
 Does anyone else struggle with a YouTube obsession???

Let me know and we can support each other through this...'ppreciate ya!

i made dis...

One aspect of my job is creating various marketing materials. In addition to what I am tasked with, I also like to create random things from time to time. These are some of the projects of have done this week.

I found all of the icons for this project at  and the fonts at

This Graduate Student Resource Guide was tasked to me by our Associate Vice Provost for Student Affairs and she LOVED it! This will be part of the marketing that will be in the Graduate Student Center at Texas Tech. I hope that graduate students find it fun and helpful will they are here furthering their education!

Another project I worked on this week was this super cute Awana Sparks bookmark for our clubbers to color on the first night of club and then use throughout the year to keep their place in their handbooks. 

hope y'all have a great rest of the week! 'ppreciate ya!