Wednesday, July 26, 2017

I love when fate makes an appearance

Fate has struck again! (and in a weird way, but one that started my day in such a way that I know today is gonna be a good day).

Grabbing a Diet Coke from the bookstore before work is a common occurrence for me (not everyday common, but common) but today something uncommon happened. I happened to find a 'Jackson' #ShareACoke and obviously had to grab it. Back up a hot second - I originally grabbed 'Angela' and 'Jackson' slid down behind it..couldn't miss the opportunity to have 'Jackson' Diet Coke! So, I put 'Angela' back (sorry girl) and grabbed 'Jackson'. 
I definitely was not prepared for what was about to happen.
When I grabbed the 'Jackson' Diet Coke, a 'Joe' slid into it's place. I was taken aback for a hot second and a wave of mixed emotions hit me - happy, sad, tears, smiles, etc. The reason this is significant is that Joe Jackson was the name of my dad's dad. I never had the opportunity to meet Grandpa Joe (he passed away before I was born) but will randomly think about him and what he was like. There are still things I would like to know about him - his personality, things he enjoyed, his childhood, etc.

I'm a big believer in things happening for a reason and this small, may seem insignificant to others, event made my day and makes me feel like Grandpa Joe was stopping by to say 'Hi'. I will probably never know why it happened but I'm very glad it did. 

A Young Grandpa Joe from the 1940s. He served the US during WWII.

Happy Wednesday, 
<3 Kelsey

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Good Food & Great Recipes

I feel like I am constantly trying to find new recipes to try and mix up what I cook for dinner (and then have as leftovers for lunch the next day). Many times I get on Pinterest to find inspiration and recipes - this tends to end with 1 of these 4 common outcomes:
  1. "OMGoodness, this recipe looks amazing, I have all the ingredients already, and WOW it tastes amazing too!" <- Desired Outcome.
  2. "Wow this recipe looks so tasty and amazing...WAT it has 50+ ingredients (some of which are so specific I would only use them once)...No thanks"
  3. "Wow this looks great" *clicks image for recipe & 50 million pop ups and ads occur or the link is broken**random video begins playing*
  4. No Luck - guess it's pasta again
Have any of you experienced something like this?

I was inspired to start documenting recipes I had tried after finding a recipe spreadsheet that was shared on Reddit. Using this spreadsheet as a base, I have begun to add recipes that I want to try, add additional notes or variations to try, and rate ones that are classified as 'Success!! Will make again!'. 

*Note: the italicized comments are from the original girl I got the spreadsheet from* 

Now for the good part of/the main reason I started writing this post - I wanted to share with you the recipes I have tried recently that are SO GOOD & def new favorites. (esp. if you like soups)

Baked Eggs & Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

I made this dish on Saturday for lunch and served it with sweet potato fries & my goodness, it was heaven!! This recipe comes from Cookie + Kate.

 Lentil & Vegetable Soup

I don't have a picture of this one because it's a recipe that comes from a British YouTuber I watch, but this soup is really good and a great base to add your own flair or eat how it is. The sky is the limit with this one! It also freezes really well.


2 onions
2 carrots
2 leeks (or 1 big one)
1 potato (I typically use a red or yellow potato)
1 tbs of Olive Oil
1 tbs of flour
3 cups of vegetable broth
1/4 c Red Lentils

Peel and chop vegetables
Pan fry the vegetables (EXCEPT the potatoes) in the oil for 10 min
Stir in flour to thicken and cook for an additional 2 minutes
In a soup pan/stock pot, add the pan fried veggies, vegetable broth, potatoes, and red lentils
Cover and boil for 10 min and lower heat to simmer for 20-25 min

Classic Black Bean Soup & Rice

I love this recipe so much and and its so easy to make. Great throw down & you most likely have the ingredients already! Find the recipe at Landeelu's Blog.

Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Cauliflower is amazing and you can basically flavor and use it any way you want! Here is Food Network's Recipe to use as a base recipe, but then take it any direction you'd like (different flavors, sauces, make tacos, whatever you'd like!)

Enjoy & I will share more as I come across new & yummy foods! <3 Kelsey!