Friday, September 30, 2016

back at it again

whoa nelly much has happened since I last wrote a post on here (because it has basically been a year). highlights below:

highlight #1 -moved to a new apartment

My lease was up and the place I was in was a bit too big for the boys and myself. I am now in a super cozy 1 bedroom apartment and I love it. It has its little issues (because it was built in 1984), but I love it none the less. My favorite part is the mantle and the boys favorite part is the patio (they love watching the birds and rolling around in the dirt). We have a nice view of the pool, but the mailboxes are inconveniently far away. Other than that (and fighting for two months with the office to fix the air conditioning), its a wonderful little place :) I am loving decorating it, but still feel like it's not 100 yet. I'm itching to rearrange soon, so we will see what happens with that!

The mantle & bedroom 

The boys enjoying the patio

highlight #2 - got a new job

An opportunity presented itself for me to move into a position at Texas Tech that aligned more with where I want to go in life, I applied, and GOT IT!! I couldn't be more excited about my new job and all it entails! I have clicked so well with all the staff. We joke, laugh, and have fun..but most importantly get the job done and provide awesome events for the students at Texas Tech. I can't wait to see what the future holds, the students I will get to work with, and the impact I will make in this position.

From left to right: Troy & I with Raider Red, SU&A staff at Night at the SUB, & Meeting Johnny Quinn

Bonus highlight: I was selected at the recipient of the 2016 Matador Award (whoop whoop!) I will be recognized at a lunch on November 15 #WreckinEm

LYSM <3 Kelsey

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