Thursday, June 1, 2017

i made dis no. 3

BuckyBadger.svgIn 11 days I will be attending a New Professionals Conference in Madison, Wisconsin! I'm so excited to be at the university that has my most favorite mascot - a Badger!!! Just look at this guy! His name is Buckingham U. "Bucky" (you can bet I will be purchasing a stuffed Buckingham.) of the tasks we were assigned was to create a short film showcase something new or innovating being done in your student union. & the short film below is what I came up with to showcase the SUB at Texas Tech!! I am so proud of myself for filming and editing this video #HumbleBrag 

In addition to my love for the mascot, I can't wait to be surrounded by fellow new professionals and get all develop-y for a week! #ProfessionalDevelopment #CountdownToIPDS #11days

Enjoy! <3 Kelsey